
I started creating this podcast in March 2024 with three aims in mind as I have explained in the introduction of my podcast - to provide listening material with various topics at a beginner level with the correct pitch accent.

I have also decided to provide vocabulary lists, transcripts, listening comprehension exercises for learners so they will get the most of my podcast episodes and improve their overall language skills.

You will find the sample of the podcast and material below, so please free to try it out.

I hope my podcast episode and material help you deepen your understanding of Japanese and improve your overall language skills ! 

monthly membership

You will need to be a paid member of my monthly membership on Patreon to listen to it.

Here are the benefits for subscribers :

- Podcast episodes

- Vocabulary lists with English translation

- Transcripts

- Listening comprehension exercises

(These are all in Kanji with Furigana.)

- Answer keys for the exercises

- Photos related to the episodes with captions 

- Extra information & fun facts related to the episodes

Here is the sample of Ep.46 (N5).

If you are interested to subscribe, please check out my Patreon site.